Travel From Delhi to Manali by Train

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If you are planning to travel from Delhi to Manali by train, you may want to read the following information. The distance from Delhi to Manali by train, the duration of the trip and the cost of the train ticket are all included in this article. However, if you are on a budget, you might want to consider using a private vehicle instead. This option is also available, but may not be as convenient as the trains offered by the Indian Railways.

Distance from Delhi to Manali by train

Distance from Delhi to Manali by train is 314 kilometers (205 miles). The distance is the same by road but is shorter in the air. The distance is covered in a minimum of 4 hours and 15 minutes by the fastest train. The time taken to travel by train varies and is dependent on the mode of transportation. If you plan on traveling by air, it may take from two to twenty-seven hours.

The distance between Delhi and Manali is 536 km by road and takes approximately twelve hours. The journey can be tailored to your preferences. You can choose the route, pay the driver and decide whether you want a detour. You can hire a cab for as low as $210, depending on the route you choose. Alternatively, you can hire a car or a bus and pay as much as $210 for the ride. To make the most out of your trip, use a GPS navigator and book your ticket in advance.

Time taken to reach Manali by train

The distance from Delhi to Manali is approximately 287 km and is best covered by bus, taxi or train. If you're traveling from Chandigarh, the nearest railway station is in Kalka. The route from Chandigarh to Manali is approximately 4.5 hours. From Chandigarh, take the 12057-Jan Shatabdi express train. This train departs at 2.35 pm and stops in Chandigarh and Ambala. From there, you can take a bus or cab to Manali.

If you prefer to travel by bus, the cheapest way to reach Manali is to take a direct bus from Delhi. This route takes you to the popular tourist hotspots in India. You can take an air-conditioned Volvo coach for the journey. The cost of the bus is approximately $80. You can also hire a taxi or hire a tempo traveler to reach Manali. There are many buses connecting Delhi to Manali.

Cost of train ticket from Delhi to Manali

You may wonder how much a train ticket from Delhi to Manali costs. The distance from Delhi to Manali is 537 km, and the quickest train takes 4 hours to get there. The cost of a train ticket from Delhi to Manali depends on the class you choose. AC first-class tickets can cost anywhere from Rs 1000 to Rs 1300, and second-class tickets start at Rs 110. Purchasing your tickets well in advance can help you avoid overpaying for your ticket, and save money on the trip.

If you are traveling by train from Delhi to Manali, you may want to plan for the trip in advance. You may want to purchase your train ticket online. Many websites offer train tickets at discounted prices. If you're traveling from Delhi, you should allow at least a day and a half to get to Manali. You can use the remaining days to visit other nearby areas. You'll find less crowded areas, like Kasol, and those located in the parvati valley.

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